Sunday, May 5, 2019

Will I ever be done?

I'm still working away at my flannel stash.  I feel like I will never use it up!  Anyway here is where I'm at since last month.

 This is the pile of unfinished tops.  A couple ready to quilt and a few to finish piecing.

This is the pile of quilts that need binding so today is going to be devoted to bindings. I think there are six in the pile but luckily for me four are just 36x36.  The quilt on my design wall is another one I need to finish.  I keep adding sections as I finish other projects.  Not sure what size it will finish up but I'm hoping it's at least a twin.

I think when I finish up these quilts I'm going to look through my stack of unquilted quilt tops. I'll see if there are any I'm just not in love with anymore.  If I find any I may quilt them to donate.

And look what's back.  We love watching the hummingbirds.  This picture is from last year but it's better than the one I took this year.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are getting some binding done;) Just wanted to say thanks for the comment on my pink string churn dash. You came in as a no reply blogger.
